• The 17 KeV Neutrino Revived

    <正>We summarize the experiments on the 17 Kev/c~2 neutrino since 1985 and discuss possible mass term of the neutrino. Various extensions of the minimal standard model to accommodate a finite neutrino mass and the status of the massive neutrino phenomenology are summarized. Finally the meaning of the 17 KeV/c~2 neutrino is discussed. The purpose of this article is to collect the known relevant materials and to make a pedagogical summary of the interesting possibility of a heavy neutrino which will have far-reaching implications if it is eventually confirmed.

    1991年03期 1-38页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 1092k]
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    <正>Professor Liu Tsian-Heng, Chairman of the local organizing Committee, asked me to chair the first session of the workshop and make some remarks. I am honored to do so. About a year ago, I learned from prof. Liu that physicists at several (?)miversities and institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences organized an annual "workshop on Frontier Topics in Theoretical physics". From the

    1991年03期 3-4页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 76k]
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  • QCD, Axial—Vector Current and Quark Spin Content of the Proton

    <正>The relationship between the helicities carried by quark and gluon ofthe proton and the triangle anomaly is discussed in terms of theperturbative QCD. A new flavorindependent axial-vector current is derivedin terms of the background field theory. Using this current the quark spincontents are computed and are consistent with data. The order of magnitudeof the quark spin content is determined to be O(1)in large N(?) expansion

    1991年03期 39-49页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 307k]
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  • Flat Connections on Quantum Bundles and Fractional Statistic in Geometric Quantization

    <正>It is shown that in the geometric quantization formulation fractional statistics in a quantized system of N indistinguishable particles in two spatial dimensions arise from the nontrivial cohomology of the flat connection on the quantum line bundle as well as from the nontrival homology of the configuration space. The propagator of an nonrelativistic interacting system with fractional statistics is derived.

    1991年03期 50-59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 306k]
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  • Chemisorption on ZnO/A_xB_(1-x) Composite Systems

    <正>The chemisorption energy of hydrogen on semiconductor/alloy composite substrates are investigated. (?)g the conplex-energy-plane integration approach. The electronic properties of the substrate are described by using the Green function method within the framework of the tight-binding approximation. The coherent potential approximation (CPA) is used to deal with the alloys. specific calculations are performed for the H-ZnO/Ni_xCu_(1-x) and H-ZnO/Ag_xpd_(1-x) systems.

    1991年03期 60-66页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 179k]
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  • Studies on the Renormalization of the Chiral Schwinger Model

    <正>The chiral Schwinger model is studied by the path-integral method. It is proved that the model is renormalizable only by the fermion wave function renormalization, and there is no wave function renormalization for the "photon", nor coupling constant renormalization. But when the chiral Schwinger model is added the Wess-Zumino term, all of the Green functions become finite. It is shown that the divergence structure of the anomalous theory is worse than that of a gauge invariant theory.

    1991年03期 67-77页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 282k]
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    <正>The explicit forms of the irreducible representation matrices for the quantum Sl_q(3)enveloping algebra are computed in datial

    1991年03期 78-82页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 107k]
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  • q—Coherent State Realization of the Quantum Algebra U_q (su(2))

    <正>The q-deformed Dyson and Holstein-Primakoff realizations of the quantum algebra U_q(su(2))are constructed. A transformation matrix, which turn the Dyson mapping onto the Holstein-Primakoff, has presented.

    1991年03期 83-88页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 115k]
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  • Cosmology in Heterotic Superstring E_8xE_8 Therory

    <正>We discuss the preferential scenario of the evolution of the universe in superstring E_8xE_8 theory. The universe can reach the present state (the Friedmann universe and the 4-dim Einstein gravity for a wide range of initial conditions) in the dynamical system. The kinetic terms of the "axions" play an important role so that our present universe is realized almost uniqely.

    1991年03期 89-99页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 274k]
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  • Wormhole Calculus

    <正>We choose the rules of wormhole calculus, used by Coleman in the context of Euclidean quantum gravity to show that the cosmological constant vanishes,to the simple case of a scalar field theory, the λφ~4 model. we calculate one and two point functions in one subuniverse approximation. Wormholes make first order transition disappear, but permit second order transition. We discuss another way to deal with the divergences caused by arbitrarily large numbers of subuniverse.

    1991年03期 100-110页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 262k]
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